The Department of Genetic Medicine at Weill Cornell leads a dynamic and innovative translational research program, advancing diverse fields such as Genetic Therapy and Personalized Medicine.
Our translational research program aims to leverage our expertise in genetic therapies and personalized medicine to develop clinical solutions that target the molecular causes of human diseases.
The Department of Genetic Medicine advances treatments and diagnostics through diverse clinical trials, including drug testing and research to better understand diseases.
The Department of Genetic Medicine at Weill Cornell leads a dynamic and innovative translational research program, advancing diverse fields such as Genetic Therapy and Personalized Medicine.
Our translational research program aims to leverage our expertise in genetic therapies and personalized medicine to develop clinical solutions that target the molecular causes of human diseases.
The Department of Genetic Medicine advances treatments and diagnostics through diverse clinical trials, including drug testing and research to better understand diseases.
Confronting the issues of therapeutic misconception, enrollment decisions, and personal motives in genetic medicine-based clinical research studies for fatal disorders.
Publication Type
Arkin L, Sondhi D, Worgall S, Suh L, Hackett N, Kaminsky S, Hosain S, Souweidane M, Kaplitt M, Dyke J, Heier L, Ballon D, Shungu D, Wisniewski K, Greenwald B, Hollmann C, Crystal R
Hum Gene Ther
Date Published
Genetic Therapy, Motivation, Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinoses, Patient Acceptance of Health Care, Patient Selection
Genetic medicine-based therapies have unlocked the potential for ameliorating diseases previously considered inevitably fatal. Inherent in the clinical trials of genetic medicines are ethical issues of therapeutic misconception, enrollment decisions as they relate to the risks and benefits of research, and the complex relationships among funding sources, investigators, and the families of affected individuals. The purpose of this paper is to help define these complex issues relevant to the use of genetic medicines and to describe the strategy we have used to confront these issues in a phase I trial of adeno-associated virus-mediated gene transfer to the central nervous system of children with late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (LINCL), a fatal lysosomal storage disease associated with progressive neurodegeneration and death by mid-childhood. Our approach to these challenges should provide a useful paradigm for investigators initiating other genetic medicine- based studies to treat inevitably fatal diseases.