Can gene therapy be used to prevent cancer? Gene therapy for aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 deficiency.

Publication Type Review
Authors Montel R, Munoz-Zuluaga C, Stiles K, Crystal R
Journal Cancer Gene Ther
Volume 29
Issue 7
Pagination 889-896
Date Published 11/19/2021
ISSN 1476-5500
Keywords Aldehyde Dehydrogenase, Neoplasms
Abstract Approximately 8% of the world population and 35-45% of East Asians are carriers of the hereditary disorder aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) deficiency. ALDH2 plays a central role in the liver to metabolize ethanol. With the common E487K variant, there is a deficiency of ALDH2 function; when ethanol is consumed, there is a systemic accumulation of acetaldehyde, an intermediate product in ethanol metabolism. In ALDH2-deficient individuals, ethanol consumption acutely causes the "Alcohol Flushing Syndrome" with facial flushing, tachycardia, nausea, and headaches. With chronic alcohol consumption, ALDH2 deficiency is associated with a variety of disorders, including a remarkably high risk for aerodigestive tract cancers. Acetaldehyde is a known carcinogen. The epidemiologic data relating to the association of ALDH2 deficiency and cancer risk are striking: ALDH2 homozygotes who are moderate-to-heavy consumers of ethanol have a 7-12-fold increased risk for esophageal cancer, making ALDH2 deficiency the most common hereditary disorder associated with an increased cancer risk. In this review, we summarize the genetics and biochemistry of ALDH2, the epidemiology of cancer risk associated with ALDH2 deficiency, the metabolic consequences of ethanol consumption associated with ALDH2 deficiency, and gene therapy strategies to correct ALDH2 deficiency and its associated cancer risk. With the goal of reducing the risk of aerodigestive tract cancers, in the context that ALDH2 is a hereditary disorder and ALDH2 functions primarily in the liver, ALDH2 deficiency is an ideal target for the application of adeno-associated virus-mediated liver-directed gene therapy to prevent cancer.
DOI 10.1038/s41417-021-00399-1
PubMed ID 34799722
PubMed Central ID PMC9117562
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